一昨日の中華炒め~! |
主婦の仕事って~ 毎度毎度の食事作りが大きい! 「料理好き!」と思っていた時期もあったけれど~老親(二人合わせて172歳)と夫(還暦過ぎちゃった)と中学生の息子(一人っ子)と私の組み合わせは、なかなか大変なものがあります! 毎日、四苦八苦しながら作った我が家の「いつもの食卓」のメモリーです! The housewife's work is very hardware. Aged parents , husband ,and junior high school student's sons (only child) and our combinations have the quite serious one though there was time thought to be "It likes to cook", too. It is a memory of "Usual table" of my home made while troubling every day.